July 2011 Minutes

Sterling, Colorado, July 8, 2011

MINUTES of a meeting of the Board of Directors of The North Sterling Irrigation District held at their office in Sterling at 12:30 P.M., July 8th, 2011.

Directors David Hernandez, David Breidenbach, James Aranci, Secretary James Yahn, and Leon Rose were present.  Scott Szabo with Lauer, Szabo, and Associates arrived at 1:30 p.m.

The group immediately left for lunch and arrived back at the office at 1:05 p.m.

Minutes of Board meeting held June 8th, 2011 were approved as received.

Expense for the month of June was allowed in the total amount of $76,996.05 and ordered paid as shown on sheets attached to and made a part of these minutes by due action of the Board, all Directors present voting aye.

The Directors and Secretary discussed the legal update from our attorney Ronni Sperling.  After some discussion Mr. Yahn was instructed to call and discuss the Fort Morgan case with Ms. Sperling.  There were no cases of concern on the water court resume and no legislative news.

At this time Mr. Scott Szabo addressed the board concerning the audit of the District accounts.  Mr. Szabo went through the audit explaining it and answering any questions.  Mr. Szabo stated everything appeared to be in order with the District accounts.  At this time Mr. Szabo left the meeting.

The Board took under consideration the attached petition for exclusion of land from Thomas Griebel and the attached petition for inclusion of land from David and Veronica Hernandez.  The Board instructed Secretary Yahn to advertise date of August 8, 2011 as the date for hearing of said petitions.

The board and Secretary discussed bids for an addition to the office.  Mr. Yahn stated that the bids were for slightly different buildings and that he needed to contact Superior Construction to discuss some of the additions that were made after discussing the project with other companies.  It was the consensus of the board to continue to pursue the building so Mr. Yahn stated he would proceed with finalizing the bids.

Director Breidenbach brought before the board last month’s board decision to allow Allen Mitchek to add wells to our augmentation plan but deny Steve Kaiser’s request to do the same. Mr. Breidenbach stated that both are landowners and their treatment on this issue should be consistent.  Therefore Director Breidenbach moved to allow Mr. Kaiser’s well to come into the North Sterling augmentation plan if he so desires and pays all necessary fees to obtain proper court approval.  The motion was seconded by Director Hernandez.  Upon being put to a vote the motion carried on a 2 to 1 vote with Director Aranci casting the dissenting vote.

Secretary Yahn relayed to the board that current storage in the reservoir is 72,868 ac-ft (97.7%) and the current flow in the inlet is 547 cfs and in the Outlet is 405 cfs for 304.25 cfs ordered.

With no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

James T. Yahn, Secretary

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