November 2009 Minutes


        Sterling, Colorado, October 9, 2009

     MINUTES of a meeting of the Board of Directors of The North Sterling Irrigation District held at their office in Sterling at 12:30 P.M., October 9th, 2009.

     Directors David Hernandez, David Breidenbach, and James Aranci were present.  Secretary James Yahn and Leon Rose were present. James Schippert arrived at 1:30 p.m.

     Upon arriving at the office the Directors, Mr. Yahn, and Mr. Rose left for lunch at the River City Grill.  At lunch the board, Mr. Yahn, and Mr. Rose discussed the legal update provided by our attorney Ronni Sperling.  The update stated that Ms. Sperling recommended that the North Sterling stipulate to a decree with Milliken.  Mr. Yahn stated the only issue left with Milliken was their attempt to receive recharge credits from an existing reservoir.  Mr. Yahn stated that this could only be done after an extensive study that would determine how much of the seepage occurs from historical water and how much from the newly decreed water.  After some discussion it was the consensus of the board to stipulate to the decree.  It was also the consensus of the board to allow Mr. Yahn to stipulate to the Weldon Valley Augmentation Plan when he and Ms. Sperling determined that the decree was satisfactory.  Mr. Rose updated the board concerning the work to be done on the D6H Dozer.  The D6H Dozer requires new pins and bushings however if the rails are not replaced we will be unable to turn the pins and bushings in the future.  The D6H also is leaking oil from the final drive to the transmission.  It was the consensus of the board to replace the rails.  The group returned to the North Sterling office and the meeting was reconvened at 1:30 p.m.

     Employee Jim Schippert was given the opportunity to express why he felt he should be allowed to lease the District’s property at the river dam where he lives to a third party for hunting.  He stated that his uncle, Walt Schippert, leased the land for hunting when he was employed by the District.  Mr. Schippert also stated that he has been leasing the land to various people for most of his 27 years at the district.  Mr. Schippert left the meeting at approximately 1:45 p.m.  Neither the board nor the District management was aware of Mr. Schippert leasing the property for hunting.  After some discussion, it remained the consensus of the board to only allow the land to be leased through the district and the district would receive the compensation from the lease. 

     Minutes of Board meeting held September 9th, 2009 were approved as received.

     Expense for the month of September was allowed in the total amount of $234,343.89 and ordered paid as shown on sheets attached to and made a part of these minutes by due action of the Board, all Directors present voting aye.  The board requested that with the spillway work being done that Mr. Yahn provide a spreadsheet of expenses to the board.

     Mr. Yahn informed the directors that Baker Hughes would continue to provide the aquatic herbicide, Magnacide, for at least one more season but that each purchaser would be required to sign an agreement and be required to have a $10 million insurance policy.  Mr. Yahn stated that he would contact them as to the necessity of an insurance policy since we have governmental immunity.  Mr. Yahn also stated that the price is expected to increase substantially.

The 2010 Proposed Budget was brought before the board for discussion.  The directors received the alterations made by Mr. Yahn to the budget after last month’s meeting. However, due to the need to draw from the District’s reserve funds to complete the spillway project and the potential increase in the aquatic herbicide price, it was the consensus of the board to increase the levy in the proposed budget from $14/acre to $15/acre and increase the weed control chemical price by $40,000.  Notice of the Proposed Budget of the North Sterling Irrigation District for the calendar year 2010 was published in the Sterling Journal Advocate on dates of September 24th and October 1st, 2009.  There having been no objections filed or registered, it was moved by Director Breidenbach, seconded by Director Aranci, and upon being put to a vote was unanimously carried, “That the Proposed Budget for the year 2010 be Minutes approved and adopted by the Board of Directors and that the “Resolution to Adopt the Budget” be signed by the President and Secretary.  Copies of the budget, the resolution, and publication are attached to and made a part of these minutes.

     The Annual Appropriation Resolution was presented and its adoption moved by Director Aranci.  The motion was seconded by Director Breidenbach and was unanimously carried, all Directors present voting aye.  Thereupon the annual Appropriation Resolution for 2009 was declared adopted as follows:

     BE IT RESOLVED, That the Secretary be hereby instructed to certify to the Board of Commissioners of Logan County, Colorado, the sum necessary to be raised by the 2009 tax levy upon lands of The North Sterling Irrigation District for the certain purposes set forth as follows:

GENERAL FUND – For the current expense for the calendar year 2010

              the sum of  – – – – – – – – – – – – – $533,679.65

(40,916.94 acres @ $13.043)(15% – $1.957)($15.00)($613,754.10)

     Polling place and Judges of Election to serve at the General Election to be held throughout the District on date of December 8th, 2009, for the purpose of electing one Director in and for Division No. 1, for the term of three years from date of January 1st, 2010, were appointed as follows:

      Polling Place – Iliff Community Building in Iliff, Colorado.

     Judges – Norma Dickinson, Earline Schuppe, and Suzanne Meier.

      Secretary Yahn was directed to notify all those appointed just prior to election that and allowance of $100.00 will be paid for polling place and for each Judge serving.

     At 2:30 p.m. the group, excluding Mr. Rose, left for the reservoir to inspect the spillway work and the work on the inlet bridge.  Secretary Yahn and President Hernandez rode in Mr. Yahn’s pickup and Directors Aranci and Breidenbach traveled in their personal vehicles.  Once at the reservoir all rode with Mr. Yahn.  Mr. Yahn gave the directors a tour of the site and explained the work being completed.  Mr. Yahn also showed the directors the work being completed on the inlet bridge at the reservoir.  The tour was complete at 3:45 p.m. at which time the meeting was adjourned.  Mr. Yahn and Mr. Heranandez traveled back to the District’s office, arriving at 4:10 p.m.

                                       Respectfully Submitted,

                                      James T. Yahn, Secretary

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