September 2011 Minutes

Sterling, Colorado, September 8, 2011

MINUTES of a meeting of the Board of Directors of The North Sterling Irrigation District held at their office in Sterling at 12:30 P.M., September 8th, 2011.

Directors David Hernandez, Dave Breidenbach, James Aranci, Secretary James Yahn and Leon Rose were present.

The group immediately left for lunch and arrived back at the office at 1:25 p.m.

During lunch Mr. Yahn gave the Directors an overview of the Colorado Water Congress summer conference that he had attended.

Minutes of Board meeting held August 8th, 2011 were approved as received.

Expense for the month of August was allowed in the total amount of $113,126.51 and ordered paid as shown on sheets attached to and made a part of these minutes by due action of the Board, all Directors present voting aye.

The board discussed our attorney’s report for the month.  It was moved by Director Breidenbach and seconded by Director Aranci to file a notice of non-participation in Case No. 05CW331 if no settlement is reached and to leave the Mitchek well which no longer exists in our augmentation plan in Case No. 11CW75.  After some discussion the motion carried.  Secretary Yahn was instructed to notify our attorney of the board’s decision.  Secretary Yahn stated that there was nothing of interest to the District in the water court resume.

Secretary Yahn and Leon Rose updated the board on the status of the radial gate fabrication and installation.  Mr. Rose stated the radial gates should be finished by this Friday and will be installed the following week.

Secretary Yahn stated that he had met with both Concrete Specialties and Yost Construction at the location where Tetsel ditch crosses Balzac Spillway.  Mr. Yahn said he would be drawing a plan so the contractors could give a bid to us

The Proposed Budget for 2012 was sent to the directors for their review prior to the meeting.  Secretary Yahn asked if there were any concerns or questions about the budget as proposed.  Mr. Yahn stated that a carryover of approximately $109,000 is anticipated predominately due to a larger than expected carry over from 2009 and the 2010 contingent expense.  Mr. Yahn stated that the budget as proposed is very similar to the 2011 budget and would not require an increase in the District levy.  After some discussion it moved by Director Aranci and seconded by Director Breidenbach to advertise that the budget is available for public inspection.

Secretary Yahn stated that he had not received an updated cost on the building addition but did have an estimate for the heating an electrical services.  Mr. Yahn stated that he would hopefully have everything by next meeting.

Secretary Yahn informed the directors that the current storage is 32,357 acre feet (43.4%) and that 301 cfs is being released to satisfy 249.75 cfs of orders.

There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at 2:20 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

James T. Yahn, Secretary

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